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来源:文学少年 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-22

【摘要】:除了鼓励牧羊少年要履行自己的天命外,老者又给男孩讲述了什么故事呢?他为什么要这么做?老者帮助牧羊少年的条件变了吗?The old man related that, the week before,he had been forced to appear before

除了鼓励牧羊少年要履行自己的天命外,老者又给男孩讲述了什么故事呢?他为什么要这么做?老者帮助牧羊少年的条件变了吗?The old man related that, the week before,he had been forced to appear before a miner,and had taken the form of a stone. The miner had abandoned everything to go mining for emeralds (绿宝石). For five years he had been working by a certain river, and had examined hundreds of thousands of stones looking for an emerald.

文章来源:《文学少年》 网址: http://www.wxsnzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0722/1343.html


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